Thank You for Your Prayers and Support of the Orphans! |
Prayers of thanksgiving come from the widows and orphans as a direct result of your special gifts – Bringing glory and honor to our LORD Jesus Christ! “… look after orphans and widows in their distress…” (James 1:27a) Please pray for us to be able to bring the Love of Jesus to the orphans and widows we serve; pray for willing and joyful ministry partners. Please do Pray for the Special Gifts we Need Now! 124 widows and elderly: $30,000 210 orphans: $34,000 126 very large/poor families (+8 children): $36,000 Your gifts provide firewood, potatoes, shelter, clothing/shoes, medicine and medical services – all in the loving name of Jesus Christ! “… whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:37-40) |
GOD bless you and thank you for praying for the ministry of Love For Romania,
Donald J. Nourse
Founding Chairman
Vice President/Secretary
Love For Romania
Online Donations by Credit or Debit Card: (Designate “Romania”)
Please make your tax-deductible checks out to:
“FLMUSA” (First Love Ministries USA) with “Romania” in the memo section
Mail to:
Don Nourse
56 Cornflower
Irvine, CA 92620
To donate securities (Stocks & Bonds) contact:
Don Nourse
First Love Ministries USA
Cell: (714) 222-7800
Email: [email protected]