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Help Us Bring The Gospel and Much Needed Supplies To The Places That Need It The Most
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress …” (James 1:27)
Impact Ministries Uganda
Bishop Patrick Okabe, founder and leader of Impact Ministries Uganda, created and oversees the Impact “Mother Church” in Mbale, the Impact Orphanage (Serving +550 children), Faith Radio (Potential of +12 million listeners) and +225 village churches. Patrick’s son Daniel Okabe (a graduate of Vanguard University graduate) is the Managing Director of the Faith Radio operations and outreach programs.
Love For Romania
Love for Romania is the “sister” ministry of FLMUSA, founded by John Ungureanu and a group of close friends in coordination with FLMUSA board members Don Nourse and Gene Rhodes to create a team effort for administration and fundraising. John Ungureanu’s ministry team in Northeast Romania conveys the love of Christ to the lost and suffering widows and orphans of Northeast Romania. The loving touch of Jesus is expressed with food, wood and medicine.