Thank You for Your Prayers and Support of the Orphans! |
Greetings from Impact Ministries Uganda,
We thank God for using our partnership to serve the children at the orphanage. We are thankful to you, our mission partners who have generously supported us over these many years. We continually pray for you and your families, asking that God would bless you as you bless the orphans.
I must report that there is an outbreak of Ebola in Uganda; It spreads fast and kills fast. It started in Western Uganda, then cases have been reported in Kampala. The was one suspected case in Mbale, our home city. But we are currently safe under God’s protection and our strict management of the orphanage. Please pray for Uganda. Yesterday Uganda celebrated its 60th Independence Day. As Christians, we gathered to pray for the nation.
The orphanage and Faith Radio are both running well. There are challenges, but we have learned to trust God all the time. We thank God that you have provided the funds required for the toilets and kitchen for the Skills Training Center. Please pray for our mentor and apprenticeship programs to become a great success in preparing the older children to leave the orphanage for successful independent Christ focused lives!
The lone girl in the photo above is Esther. She comes from Northern Uganda. She tells stories of the horror she went through until she decided to escape and come to Mbale. in Mbale she was in the streets until she joined Impact orphanage last year. In the north girls of Esther’s age are expected to get married to earn a bride price for the parents who badly need money to buy food and look after the younger children. Esther is so happy to be safe and far from the reach of her relatives who were arranging for her to get married. The other girls in the attached photos would have been parried off if it was not for your support. Thank you again for your support of the orphanage.
It is the children in need like Esther that is the reason we exist, to bring them to Jesus as Lord and Savior. We thank you for your partnership in rescuing the perishing. May God bless you.
Please do not grow weary of supporting the children as you help us bring the loving touch and eternal hope of Jesus to the orphans!
In Christ Jesus,
Patrick Okabe
Impact Ministries Uganda
“… whatever you did for one of the least of these …, you did for me.’”
Prayer Requests:
Orphanage Food, Medicine, Staff (28), Supplies/Repairs: $26,500 (Monthly)
Skills Training Center Staff (2), Computers & Materials: $2,000 (Monthly)
Faith Radio Staff (6) & Operating Expenses: $4,500 (Monthly)
Faith Radio Back-up Transmitter: $15,000 (One Time)
Medical Clinic: $40,000 (One Time)
Pray that those who are able will step forward with special gifts!
“Do you love me?” … Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep”. (John 21:17)
We need your prayers and financial support each month. I pray that GOD would bless you as you bless the children!
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Don Nourse
First Love Ministries USA
Donate by Credit or Debit Card
Please make your tax-deductible checks out to:
“FLMUSA” (First Love Ministries USA)
Mail to:
Don Nourse
56 Cornflower
Irvine, CA 92620
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