John Loved The Widows & Orphans

John Ungureanu is now with Jesus his LORD and Savior. John was my friend, brother in Christ and Ministry Partner for 25 years. John loved Jesus and lived his life by faith in the promises of his Father in Heaven.
John, as a member of my men’s ministry group, asked for my help in the formation of Love For Romina. John told me about the desperate need of the widows and orphans, and large poor families in NE Romania. John saw the need for Jesus in their lives, and we started very small, focusing our efforts on finding likeminded Christians who wanted to provide the support we needed to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the widows and orphans.
As a result, the LORD provided all that was needed to build The Light of Christ Church, which now serves hundreds of widows and orphans in a remote area of NE Romania. Providing firewood, potatoes and medicine in the name of Jesus Christ is what we are all about. Please pray and financially support us as we continue John’s humble and Christ focused ministry in full partnership with First Love Ministries USA.

Through your prayers and financial support we bring the Love of Jesus by providing Firewood, Potatoes and Medicine to the Orphans and Widows We Serve.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” (James 1:27a)
Pray & Support Requests:
130 widows and elderly: $6,000 month
200 orphans: $4,000 month
126 very large/poor families (+8 children): $5,000 month
The LFR Church (“Light of Christ”) monthly budget: $8,000 month
Cemetery Expansion: $35,000 (One Time Special Gift) Very Important.
“… whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:37-40)
Please consider sending a special gift at this time and pray that everyone who receives this email will read it and pray. For if we all pray together the Holy Spirit will touch the hearts of those who are able to joyfully provide the funds required.
May GOD bless you to be a blessing to the orphans and widows we serve!
Thank you,