“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” (James 1:27a)
Please pray for us to be able to bring the Love of Jesus to the orphans and widows we serve; pray for willing and joyful ministry partners for 2022.
With the funds you send, hundreds of widows and orphans are provided potatoes, firewood & medicine. The direct result of your generosity are prayers of thanksgiving from those in greatest need, bringing glory and honor to our LORD Jesus Christ!
Please Pray for Ministry Partners to Help us Serve in 2022
124 widows and elderly: $8,500 month
210 orphans: $8,000 month
126 very large/poor families (+8 children): $9,000 month
Your gifts provide firewood, potatoes, shelter, clothing/shoes, medicine and medical services – all in the loving name of Jesus Christ!
“… whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:37-40)
GOD bless you and thank you for praying the ministry of Love For Romania,
Donald J. Nourse
Founding Chairman
Vice President/Secretary
Love For Romania
Online Donations by Credit or Debit Card:
www.flmusa.org (Designate “Romania”)
Please make your tax-deductible checks out to:
“FLMUSA” (First Love Ministries USA) with “Romania” in the memo section
Mail to:
Don Nourse
56 Cornflower
Irvine, CA 92620
To donate securities (Stocks & Bonds) contact:
Don Nourse
First Love Ministries USA
Cell: (714) 222-7800
Email: [email protected]